La Bibliothèque de graphiques pour les Rotariens - De Bibliotheek van
Graphics voor Rotarians - Bibliotek med rotariygrafik och symboler - La
Biblioteca de gráficos para los rotarios - 的翻譯版本 - A
Biblioteca de Gráficos para os rotarianos - Библиотека
Графика для ротарианцев- 로타리에 대한
그래픽의 도서관 - مكتبة الرسومات

- Backgrounds for ZOOM meetings published
- enhanced 2019-2020 Presidential Theme logo published
- enhanced 2018-2019 Presidential Theme logo published
- enhanced 2017-2018 Presidential Theme logo published
- Graphics for RI Convention 2013 in Lisbon, Portugal added
- Graphics for Rotaract added
- NEW category! Apple iPad® backgrounds
- Enhanced 2011-2012 Presidential Theme logo published
- Diploma backgrounds added
- New Seasonal Graphics added
- 4 Avenues of Service
- Cooool iPhone Graphics
- enhanced 2010-2011 Presidential Theme logo published
- new, cool PolioPlus logo here
- new Paul Harris profiles in .eps format [link]
- proposed new logo for The International Fellowship for Rotarians of Amateur Radio
- proposed new logo for International Fellowship of Rotarian Musicians

YES, there is a significant difference in the Quality I
deliver! Read more here.
The Library of Rotary Graphics is intended as a source of
graphics for purpose of printed or Web based information
produced by and for Rotary Clubs. The Graphics in this Library
have all been redrawn and redesigned from original
specifications and comply in full with statute measurements.
Great care has been taken to ensure that, whenever technically
possible, the correct colors and simulated materials coincide
with those specified under the bylaws of Rotary
Permission to freely use the
graphics in this library for noncommercial purposes is granted
to all Rotary Clubs and Rotary International.
Permission is granted on the sole basis that the source is
mentioned in a credit line.
Failure to comply with the above is regarded as a dishonest act
and a mention of this can be made public.
I had originally intended this page solely to be a source of
useful graphics for those of you who are putting together your
own Rotary Club Webpages. And I added some extras for those
seeking other than straightforward logos.
Please note: These Graphics are Royalty-Free as is (for Rotary
Clubs), but I would, naturally, appreciate a credit line if and
when you use any of them. Should you however feel that you
would like to contribute something for the effort, I strongly
suggest a donation to the efforts of Rotary Foundation.
Thank you for your support and enjoy! Yours in Rotary,
Tord Elfwendahl, Creator and Curator of this Library
MPHF, Past President 2000-01, The Rotary
Club of Stockholm Strand, RI Dist 2350
Hon Member of The
Rotary Club of Stockholm Internatonal
Hon Member of RGHF
(Rotary Global History Fellowship)
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